Rush Snowboards
Client Name
Launch Site
Rush, a company specializing in snowboards for athletes and adventure enthusiasts, sought to align their brand identity with the emotions they wanted to evoke in their target audience. However, they faced the challenge of lacking the technical expertise and a clear means of connecting with their audience.
Brand Identity
Graphic Design
Brand Book
Digital Marketing
  1. Emotional Alignment: Difficulty aligning brand identity with desired emotions for their snowboard products.

  2. Technical Expertise Gap: Lack of technical expertise in crafting a cohesive brand identity.
  3. Connection and Differentiation: Struggle to establish meaningful connections with their target audience and differentiate themselves in the market.
  1. Mood Board : By delving into Rush's brand concept and understanding their vision, we crafted a mood board to identify the emotions, colors, and personality that would resonate with their intended audience.

  2. Logo: Building upon our insights, we developed three logo drafts designed to effectively convey Rush's brand identity.
  3. Guidelines: We established comprehensive brand guidelines to be consistently applied in all future official communications by the company.
These solutions not only gave the Giles School a competitive edge but also enhanced their ability to communicate the value of their curriculum and the richness of their school community to both current and prospective students and parents.